3rd Trimester


Greetings Everyone,

This is my second pregnancy and I haven't posted on here at all.  I was on it many times a day with my first.  But I have come back to for advice or support or just to see that I am not alone :)

I have had some dizzy spells for the past couple of months.  But they have been infrequent and quite frankly I forgot to even mention them to the dr. at my appts.  I just figured it was something else with pregnancy and moved on. 

But yesterday I got dizzy at work and it lasted 2-3 hours.  And then today, thank goodness I was sitting down, because I got dizzy and almost passed out (had to put head between knees, etc.)  So I called my dr. and they wanted me to come in.

They checked my blood pressure (a few times actually because they kept forgetting to put it in the computer) and it was normal each time.  They are also doing blood work just to make sure nothing is going on.  But they believe that it is vertigo.  (Apparently there is a difference between vertigo and dizziness and I have the vertigo side).  They don't think it is pregnancy related and just something that has come up or made worse by pregnancy.  They gave me a drug (Meclizine) and sent me on my way.

But I am nervous about driving, carrying my toddler, and most of all - falling.  I can not come up with anything that triggers the episodes and so have no good way of preventing or predicting them. 

So now I am home, trying to do some research online (I am terrible at that though) and since I have the afternoon off I am going to take a nap (if LO lets me sleep!)

Anyone else have experience with this?  Could it be something that goes away after birth or something I have that just was found because of pregnancy?  Anyone else dizzy or have any advice?

Hope all are having a happy Wednesday!

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