3rd Trimester

Anyone here with CMV? (also posted on high-risk)

I have CMV. My avidity test came back today. It gets emailed to me, so I haven't talked to the doctor about the results. My results came back with low avidity, and from what I'm reading, low avidity means that the infection occurred within the last 4 months which would fit my clinical presentation (elevated LFTs and exhaustion).

The second question I have is if anyone had any problems passing on the IGG (immunity) to the baby. Right now my IGG is really low. The doctors are concerned that since I'm not making any immunity to the virus, that I have nothing to pass on to the baby. There's a possibility that she will be born with no immunity to this and get very sick from the virus. She would have to fight it off all on her own. Does anyone have any experience with this? 
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