3rd Trimester

Anemia/Protein in Urine... Should I be worried?

I have had protein in my urine at the last 3 OB visits, but my blood pressure is always normal, so they''ve never acted like it was a concern. At my last visit, the nurse did say that the amount was "moderate", so we'd keep an eye on it.

She called yesterday with the results of my 35 week bloodwork to tell me that my hemaglobin was low and I have anemia. Her recommendations at this point were to eat lots of leafy green veggies and continue taking pre-natal vitamins.

I eat a salad everyday for lunch and never miss a vitamin, so I'm not seeing how that's going to help, but I will do whatever is necessary. I guess my problem is that google got the best of me and I keep reading things about needing a blood transfusion after delivery, etc... To add to this I am having a RCS, so I am a total nervous wreck about this. Anyone else have any experience? 

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