
need help finding the right breast shield size

I use the 24mm (the one medela comes with) and also bought the 27mm..but I still don't know which one is the right one. I don't know if it's me or the shield but I feel like it's not emptying all of my milk. How do I know which one to keep using? How do I know if it's too big or too small? The instructions are no help to me.

for the 24mm: During pumping session, my nipples almost touch the sides but if I position it right in the center, it doesn't. It almost does, but it doesn't. Also it takes in a little bit of my aerola.  Also, my breasts are smaller than the breast shield cup (not sure if this matters). However, when I'm done and release the suction, I notice milk tends to drip at the bottom.

for the 27mm: (bought it today so I've only used it once)..WHen pumping, my nipples do not touch the sides at all. It takes in a little bit more of my aerola than the 24mm. My breast size is smaller than the breast shield cup. When I finished, I didn't see any milk drip to the bottom.

 I did notice that I pumped out an ounce more on the 27mm than the 24mm. BUT..I don't know if that's due to the fenugreek or now.

Do you know which one I should be using? Like I said, I felt like both of the sizes didn't empty my breast.  HELP!!

Edit: Oh and by the way, the medela customer rep told me on the phone that it is normal for the aerola to be pulled in when long as it's not the whole aerola. Well, the 24 and 27 both did..does that mean I need a 21mm then? I'm just worried that my nipples might touch the sides of the funnel. 

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