
Stool softeners - when did you stop using them?

Hi everyone,

My c-section was last Monday and I've been on a fun cocktail of pain meds and stool softeners ever since. I'm still feeling some pain but getting better. I'm wondering how long I should take the stool softeners for? The nurse who discharged me gave me a very vague answer (as long as you need to) - how would I know if I need to unless I stop and have problems? Just wondering how long people on here took them if you've had a previous c/s or are further down the recovery road.

I made a BIG mistake last night and ate 3 prunes (small ones, mind you) when I felt like I needed a little more fiber/laxative action. I've had insane gurgling in my intenstines and diarrhea tonight for the last hour and this was supposed to be my baby-is-asleep naptime :( GRRRR

Thanks in advance!

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