3rd Trimester

Anyone else feel alone?

I am sure I am just hormonal, but these last few days of pregnancy have been tough emotionally. We live 12 hours from our parents, I have made nice friends here but nothing like my childhood ones. My cousin was supposed to come help this last week, but was recently divorced and gone MIA on me. Friends from home are all busy with their lives and I don't here from them as much as I would like to. My dh is is awesome, but works very long days. Most of the time it's me and my little boy who can be very challenging. Ugh gross pity party. Sorry, I sound crazy. I am usually busier and don't have time to dwell, but I have been in pain, taking it easier, and trying to stave off labor until my mother in law arrives Sunday. Anyone feel like an island?a big pregnan one?
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