3rd Trimester

(Also on June Board) Want to chuck OB

Okay, so I really liked my OB the first time around, but hated the hospital he delivered at.  So this time, I figured I could tough it out for 2 days and enjoy the 9 months of his care.  But yesterday I wanted to throw him out the window.

For starters, my OB is super laid back, which is great because I am pretty high strung.  With DS, I had a precipitous labor ( wasn't sure I was in labor til my water broke at 10:30 at night and I was fully dialated by 11, waited on Dr and started pushing at 11:40- DS out in 3 pushes at 11:42). 

This time, we asked if we should call his office so that he can meet us at the hospital instead of me waiting for 40 minutes for him to show up.  He totally laughed me off and said not to worry about it.  I know he has delivered hundreds if not thousands of babies, but he even said I was one of the fastest deliveries he has ever had.  I feel like he doesn't give a rip about me or where/when I give birth.

I am ticked!  It's not like I was asking for his home phone number.  I really don't want to deliver on the side and would prefer that MY doctor deliver me.  I am so tempted to go find a midwife/birthing center, but I have already filled out the pre-registration and paid a bunch of money in OB fees.  Am I crazy for thinking about changing this late in the game?

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