3rd Trimester

Weird Cravings Anyone?

Ok, here in the last few weeks I have noticed I enjoy so much the smell of cleaning products, permanent markers, fingernail polish, and scotch guard. Anyone else going though this? I don't smell them to get a high from them, I just think they smell good and I will take a few whiffs of a permanent marker. But I don't feel anything from it and that's not why I am doing it, but I know that there are dangers. I never craved food, but I think I crave smells! Am I crazy?!? Is taking a few whiffs or writing with a permanent marker throughout the day awful of me to do?

I have searched the internet over for info on pregnancy and smells and I can't find much. I haven't told my dr, b/c I don't feel its a problem b/c I haven't been doing "craving" smells the whole time and I don't do it often. 

 I hope some of you understand and don't think I am a bad soon to be mom. 

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