3rd Trimester

Totally irritated by people, ugh!

This is my little rant, sorry you ladies have to be the ones to endure it! I am just so irritated by people! Ugh! It's bad enough that every day when I come to work I get the "you're still here?!" comment, or people wanting to make random guesses that "tomorrow is the day"....but the office I work in is fairly small, so everyone knows I went in for my check up yesterday. Of course, first thing when I get here, they all want to know what the doctor said. Well, basically, he said I'm still pregnant and it could be any day...tomorrow or a week from now. So, our little ms office know-it-all, I know all about pregnancy and can feel my cervix dilate chimes in and says "we want to know  how dilated you are!" So, I say 1cm, and encouragingly she says "Oooh girl, you still got a while!" and chuckles as she's walking away. REALLY?!?! Gee thanks, you just made me feel GREAT! Thank you for sharing that little ray of sunshine this morning! If you have read anything, ever, you would know that some women walk around dilated to a 3 for a month and still go past their due dates, while others stay sealed up tight and have their babies a week early, IT DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING. Sigh...although, we do all like to hear that some progress is being made, and I have to admit I was a little disappointmed that I was only 1cm dilated and 50% effaced....oh well...little man will come when he's good and ready.

Anyways, thanks for listening!

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