3rd Trimester

Too Much Stress....ARGGG...vent

Just venting, but if anyone knows any great stress relievers besides a professional massage (not in budget)  Please share. 

 We are closing on a new house on the 14th, so I am trying to pack, my house, that we rent, is on the market, so it needs to be kept in show condition, we have 30 family members coming in this weekend for a family wedding, some of whom are staying with me, all of whom are coming for Sunday dinner.  My DH just got a new job, but can't start until after we close on the new house or our mortgage will get screwed up.  Sellers agent lied about estimates in regards to the home inspection so now my agent is scurrying to get new estimates and re-negotiate the home inspection, nothing that is going to halt the sale, but a big fat head ache!!! 

29 weeks pregnant with two other kids!!!  Calgon take me AWAY!

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