
Birth Plan?

Talk to me about a planned c-section birth plan.

As I'm getting closer and closer I'm freaking out and wanting to have more control.  Before I didn't think I needed a birth plan.  All I really wanted was to be able to have an epidural when I asked for it and be able to have bonding time with the babies as soon as they/I are/am able.  

Now I'm feeling like I want something written out but all the guide sheets I've found online don't really apply to c-sections.  Because both babies are still breech there is really no chance of me having a vaginal birth at this point.  

Most birth plans I've seen are geared towards moms who don't want a lot of medical interventions and therefore must state that to the medical team.  I'm not that kind of mom and I'm just at a loss at what to do.

Does anyone have any resources, advice, or a copy of their c-section birth plan I could look at? 

BFP 6/20/10 1st M/C- 7/3/10~ 6 w 1 d
BFP 9/13/10- Chemical Pregnancy discovered 9/16/10
BFP 2/23/11 EDD 2nd M/C 3/20/10~ 7 w 6 d
BFP 9/17/11- Twins! Alice Nichole 5/15/12 Colette Parker 5/15/12
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