3rd Trimester

Something that NEVER occurred to me.

Because we live in a different city than most our families, we never really worried too much about l&d/hospital or anything like that.  No one was going to drive 3-4 hours and just show up (except that my mom totally is, I just found out.  Thank God we LIKE her).

But I never thought that telling family I was at the hospital being induced would lead to their posting on Facebook.  I called my dad to give him a heads up, since I thought he would like to know.

He apparently called/texted everyone on his side of the family and my brother posted the texts on FB (ok, it was funny).  However, we hadn't intended to say anything until tomorrow, as I'm a 12 hour course of cervidil and have little dilation and won't start pitocin until tomorrow.  It's upsetting that my inlaws found out via FB - I feel lucky they aren't hurt over it, because it could have been a bigger deal.

But seriously - in case this happens to you, remind others that you don't want things posted on FB/Twitter/etc until you are ready to make an announcement.

Gabriel Ross - August 24, 2009 * Vivienne Rose - May 1, 2012

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