
When does night time supply even out?

I've heard many times that when your LO starts STTN that your supply will even out so you won't be so engorged in the morning. When is this supposed to happen? My DD has been sleeping long stretches (averaging 7 hours) since Easter. I still wake up in the morning engorged, especially on the right (prime milk maker). Last night she ate at 8PM and slept from 9:30PM-6AM. I didn't pump before bed because I don't want to tell my body to make milk I don't need. I went 10 hours between feedings and I was SUPER engorged this morning and wound up with a plugged duct because of it.

When should I expect my supply to even out? I thought it would have happened by now. Also, is there anything I can do to help the severe engorgement/pain in the mean time? 

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