
XP - Help, no BM left at bedtime, LO cries!

XP - - Ok, I have had this problem for a while and sometimes it resolves itself but it is just getting worse and worse with no luck this time around. LO normally nurses around 3, then about 5:30, then 7:30, and a few other feedings earlier in the day. It is more frequently though in the late afternoon and evening. I am fine through the 5:30 feeding, but once bedtime hits I seriously have no milk left for DD. I switch sides 2-3 times but I am at a loss b/c now she cries and gets irritable and fusses. The past few nights I have had to make bottles for her and she chugs a good 4-5 additional ounces after I nurse her. I have been pumping after that nighttime feeding to try and increase my supply, taking 2 capsules of Fenugreek 3 times a day, drinks tons of water, eat oatmeal lots, etc. I just don't know what to do. She is obviously starving at that feeding. I don't know how I am going to make it to a year nursing her if I cannot feed her at bedtime! Never had this problem with DS, I nursed him until he was 16 months. Any suggestions or do I quit stressing myself out and just give her a bottle of formula?
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