3rd Trimester

Have You Had Your Membranes Swept? Come Talk To Me!

Last week, at my 40 week appointment, I was only 1cm dilated & 50% effaced.  My OB did a mini membrane sweep on me (he had a difficult time getting in there so & was unable to do a very good job).  I literally felt no pain when he did it & nothing happened afterwards, not even any bloody show.


Today I came back in to be re-checked & had finally made it up to 2cm dilation.  He performed a full membrane sweep (this time I DEFINITELY felt it).  When I've peed & wiped it seems to be pinkish-brown tinted, which I hear is normal.  I've also had NONSTOP, INSANE period cramps from Hell, hooray!  Oh...  & some SERIOUS pressure in my butt...  Maybe something is actually, you know, happening?


My induction is set for Wednesday morning, but my OB is hoping that this will start things off for me so that I won't have to be induced, as I am hoping to have a completely med-free birth. 


What do you think?  Could this be the beginning of labor for me?

When you had this done, did it work for you?  Tell me your story, please! 

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