Single Parents

Vacation without DD

Has anyone gone on a vacation without their LO?

BF's dad is getting married this summer, so we're making a week-long vacation out of it, just the two of us. My mom said it's fine for DD to stay with her and my dad, but lately she's been making me feel so guilty about it. "You should be spending your vacation time with your daughter, she'll benefit from it, just take time off from work and stay home with DD while BF goes to the wedding" etc.

DD spends time aplenty with just me, both during weeknights and during weekends when BF is doing his own thing, so it's not as if she's starving for Mom-time. In addition, I get two weeks off from work a year, so she'll be able to spend my second week off with me.

This will only be my second vacation since she was born; the first vacation was a trip to Disneyland for her first Christmas. I know I'll miss her terribly if I go on this trip, but I'd be able to call her every day if necessary, and I don't think I'll get a chance to meet all of BF's family for a long time after this (they all live either in CA or OR). We considered bringing DD with us, but we're planning on hiking, camping, and other adult-oriented outings with BF's family, and I feel like I need a little time to detox from school, work, and home just for a few days.

So is Grandma right, and I should just stay home while BF goes to the wedding? Or would I still be a good mom if I went away without her for a few days?
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