
How long after weaning will I stop leaking?

I weaned my baby slowly (dropped one feed/ pump session at a time over 3-4 weeks).  Each time I dropped one, I would get totally engorged and leak at night.  That finally stopped, so I finally dropped the last (morning) feeding session about a week ago.  I'm not engorged, but there's definitely still milk in my breasts, and they're tender (not clogged duct tender, but tender).  And occasionally I'm still leaking.  I expressed some milk in the shower last night hoping that would help.  I don't want to do much of that, or put the baby back on the breast, because I'm afraid that will signal to produce more!

So, at some point will my body reabsorb the milk that's left in my breasts?  Should I keep expressing a bit to help it along?  Please help!

Married May 9, 2009, Fall Creek Falls State Park, Tennessee Male factor infertility, BFP after two failed IUIs and one IVF image Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Photobucket
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