3rd Trimester

35 weeks and babies 7.4 pounds

So, I had to go in an get an ultrasound the other day as a follow up to a 3D ultrasound I had where they thought my LO might have a cleft lip/pallet.

If she does have a cleft lip/pallet, are there particular bottles I could buy that may work better to help her suck? I am bottle feeding, so I want to make sure I am prepared whether or not she has a one.

Needless to say, during the ultrasound they measued LO and she weighed approx. 7.4 pounds, and the doctor recommended I come in in a few weeks to recieve another ultrasound to check her weight and see if my body will be able to do a vaginal birth.

If they give the option of inducing early or having a C-section because of her size, I am SO torn at what to do. Do I take her early? Or let myself go into natural labor and have the C-section?

Another thing I am becoming concerned about. I have seen where many women are already experiencing contractions, and I am nearly positive I have not experienced any at all. Is that normal?



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