
question about spitting up

LO#1 never spit up and newborn does and people say not to compare but I am concerned.  He is gaining weight well but spits up at almost every feeding or after every feeding and sometimes it looks curdled and he can be fussy after a feeding.  He is almost 4 weeks old and it seems to get worse as he gets older.  He doesnt burp well.  We mentioned it at the 2 week appt but they said to keep track of it and that it looks like a lot but isnt but sometimes it really is alot.  For instance this weekend he ate 10-11 times in 24 hours and would spit up 8-11 times in those 24 hours.  Is this normal?  I dont want him to suffer but dont want to push for meds for reflux he may not need....can a doctor tell by looking at his throat etc that he may have reflux?
~Mel~ Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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