
Change Pumping Schedule

I am a nurse at 2 Jr High schools. I work at one Monday, Wednesday and alt Fridays and the other Tuesday Thursday and alt Fridays. At the school that I work at on Monday and Wednesday the person that would cover the clinic while I would go pump is now going to be out for the remainder of the year, medical reasons. I am now only going to be able to have someone cover for me for 1 session rather than 2. So I think I am going to try to move my pumping sessions from:
6:45 am (on my way to work) 10 am, and 1 pm
6:45 am (on my way to work), 12 pm (during my Lunch), and 2:45 pm (on my way home)

Has anyone done this? Will it hurt my supply? Will I need to pump more at night to provide enough for DD during the day. I do have a pretty good supply of BM in the freezer so I guess I can play around a little to see what works best.


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