3rd Trimester

The Comments Never Stop!

So yesterday DH and I stopped at a local farm store to pick up some grass fertilizer. As we were checking out, the cashier looks at me and says, "Oh, are you ready to go any day now?!"

Ummm...Nope I've still got seven weeks left...Thanks..

So then she says, "Oh my sister is due in June also!" Then she blatantly looks me up and down and says, "But, you're A LOT bigger than she is."

Lol I will NEVER understand why people say crap like this. Instead of saying, "are you ready to go any day now!?" She could have just as easily asked me when my due date was. And the comment about her sister was not needed at all.

On most days I honestly don't feel like I look THAT huge, but when people make stupid comments like this it makes me feel like a whale. Yes I am pregnant! Yes I have a big stomach! No I am not delivering tomorrow!! Ughhhh

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