3rd Trimester

Ugg - MILs comment about my belly

Today we met the inlaws for breakfast - "Are you sure you can fit into a booth??".  I just looked at my husband.  How rude!!!  I fit fine w/ room to spare!  And another kid on my lap.  Luckily my sweet brother in-law said "Mom - if I can fit, she can fit".  I said "That's so sweet Luke!!!". 

This to the lady who keeps telling me how she came how weighing less then when she went into the hospital.  This is my 3rd kid and I'm still hearing these stories that do no good to me - except depress me. 

 Overall I'd say I'm proud of my baby bump - but hey we are all a self consious and no good comes from any "I'm came home sooo skinny" stories - not to mention over and over again - keep it to yourself.

 VENT over.  

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