3rd Trimester

Damn heartburn and reflux, can't eat :(

I made it to 26 weeks and 6 days without any heartburn or indigestion and then literally on the day baby girl turned 27 weeks I was laying awake in bed until probably 3 or 4 in the morning with crazy intense burning in my chest and feeling like I was going to throw up straight bile. I've never had heartburn or acid reflux before so at first I thought it was hunger and tried to eat it away, which of course only made it worse.. and it's been that way every night since.  For the past week it's also been happening during the daytime to the point where even when I'm legitimately hungry as soon as I start to eat the reflux starts.  I'll get mayve 2 or 3 bites down before I'm back to chewing tums and chugging ice water.  I also weighed myself today and I've 3 pounds since last weighing myself about 10 days ago.  That can't be good at this point right?  Baby's growing exponentially so I feel like I should be maintaining my weight and gaining as needed.  I'm trying to supplement with yogurt smoothies, no acidic fruit, and some protein powder my OB said was ok, but that's not gonna cut it.. and I'm still starving.

I know there's not much to do other than cope and deal, but I just had to sorta-vent.  Sooo glad I haven't had this all along and my sincere hat's off to any of you who have, because holy hell, it sucks. 

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