3rd Trimester

Anyone else feel like they may go early?

I don't know why, but for the past week or so, I've had this overwhelming sense of needing to get ready as quick as possible because little one is on her way. Yes, I know that a lot of this could just be "nesting", but I've also dropped, and even though I'm not sure I've felt true contractions yet, my pelvic bone is so sore and feels like its being stretched when I climb stairs, walk quickly, or get into the car. I'm 35 weeks, 2 days. Too early for this to happening? I have a weekly appointment on Thursday, we will see what the  doc says. I should also note that I'm constantly on my feet and very active throughout the work week, as I'm a kindergarten teacher. No desk teaching possible! *sigh* Guess I ought to get back to packing my hospital bag! 
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