3rd Trimester

Freaky baby movement

I apologise for giving the bump yet another "OMGEEEE, IS THIS NORMAL?????" post, but I'd just like to know for sure.

We've been feeling DD moving for a while now, both from the outside and (sometimes) only movements I can feel. We've also been able to see her little jabs and punches moving my belly around. But last night, I had two fingers pressing very gently on my belly (just to the right of my bellybutton, if that makes a difference) and I felt something really freaky. I could actually feel real limbs moving around under there. It felt like snakes moving around in my belly, but what freaked me out was it felt like there was nothing between my fingers and the baby, if that makes sense. I actually had to take a look because it felt like baby was right under my skin, about to burst out. Only common sense (based on the fact that I didn't have any bleeding, leaking pain, or contractions) told me that there was a uterus and fluid there, because otherwise I'd have been dialling 911 thinking there was a hole she was poking through or something. That's the best way I can describe it: like baby wasn't surrounded by layers of fluid and a uterus, but was exposed. Is this anything to worry about? I feel really dumb asking.

Also, I'm just wondering how common it is to actually see a distinct hand or foot poking through your belly, and when (if ever) I can expect it?
ETA: I guess you could say I'm a chunky mama. Weight gain during pregnancy has, by some miracle, been very slight; but I was about about 16lbs overweight pre-pregnancy. I imagine that will affect when/if I get to see little hands and feet, right?

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