3rd Trimester

Got to experience a brief hospital stay.

Thanks, blood pressure!  I got to visit both the assessment center for another NST and further monitoring/labs, then got admitted overnight for observation and a 24 hour urine collection.  B/P went down, then crept back up.  Baby looked fine the entire time.  Some protein in urine, but apparently not enough to keep me.  Released home for bedrest pending a follow-up with my doctor.

At least the food isn't too bad?  The antepartum rooms are nearly the same as the postpartem rooms, so it was nice to see what else we might need.  However, it took forever to sort everything and it was tiresome altogether.  

I really hope that Monday brings a good induction date, because I am ready to be done.  Grateful we've made it this far and that baby is ok, but just tired of fighting every step of the way.

Gabriel Ross - August 24, 2009 * Vivienne Rose - May 1, 2012

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