3rd Trimester

Survived my shower! (kind of venting)

Overall: Had a blast. . . . I mean I had to take a one hour nap when I got home I was so exhausted.

Here's what went down: As people started showing up people we just waiting around. My cousin and granny get there and are like when are we going to open presents we have to leave before the pool place closes. Then my cousin brings up "the swing".

The Swing Story: My granny and cousin got us a swing from a co-worker of my granny's. It took us about two months before I had a chance to go down there and get it. Well, I guess my granny put it underneath her porch covered in a tarp during that time. If not, it was outside for quite some time regardless. Well, when I finally get it home DH and I check it out. (As they did not or at least they told us they were not sure if it worked). Well, at first nothing happened.  . . .so we tried changing the batteries. We opened the battery part and there was corroded batteries and the springs pop out. So my DH throws it out. It isn't usable; no swing or vibrating action.

Well, back to today. As she is talking about it. She says "Well you tie a string to your foot or tie a string to it and use it. My husband says no he doesn't want that, since it didn't work he wants one that actually works. He wants to get the best for his son. If it was something for him or something I would use around the house he would as he says "use his southern-enginity" to it. I agreed since it didn't work I rather buy a new one. Which offended my cousin because HE WASN'T getting it. And called him stuck up. So they just got up and left without saying good-bye to anyone because somehow my cousin was upset. And the whole time this was going on I was telling DH be quiet, just leave it alone. I knew where it was going, but him being his stubborn ass self, didn't listen. He has been with me 6 years he knows how she is.

I love my cousin, but it seems like when things don't go her way it is the end of the world. She gets her feelings hurt so much. It sucks! This is the one part I was dreading. I wish I could just tell her how I feel without risking her saying you know fine then you just want have to deal with me anymore. I just want ever talk to you again. A lot of my family members at functions try to ignore her 'little tantrums' or when she is saying things keep the effing mouths shut!

Whew! Overall, I had a great time. Got a lot of stuff. Waiting on a lot of stuff to be delivered too! Can't wait to set up the nursery!

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