
Newborn pumping/feeding

Hello Ladies,

My son is 4 days old, was born late Tuesday night after a very hard 31.5 hour labor using all three inducing drugs (Cytotec, Cervadil, and Pitocin, I was 41w2d). I was fine with the pain through 23-24 hrs of labor then they needed to amp the pitocin because I just was not progressing. I then got an epidural which may or may not have led to my current problem.

He does not want to feed at the breast, if I somehow manage to get him to latch on its with a nipple shield he only sucks a little bit then gets pissed off and its impossible to get it to work.

So I've been pumping, this afternoon I got 125ml with a 20 minute session. Its still yellow so I'm guessing its still colostrum? Maybe some milk?

The lactation consultant at the hospital told us to feed him 10-20ml per feeding. I've been averaging anywhere between 14-25ml per feeding, and I feed him every 3 hrs whether he's showing signs of hunger or not. Today he has eaten a total of 4.6 oz and has had 3 BM, and 5 wet diapers which seems like good output.

My question is doesn't that seem like not enough milk per feeding? My 8 wk old neice is FF and at birth was needing 2oz per feeding. My assumption was it would be the same for BFing.

I'm meeting with the LC on Monday afternoon again. I would like BF to work but am willing to EP as well (even though part of me feels like I've failed some kind of test). I want my son to get the best and IMHO breast is best. I have 7 cans of formula mailed to us free by enfamil and similac. I really just want to give them to my brother and SIL because I really just want this to work.

Any advice you could give would be great. FTM here and kinda clueless...:/ 

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