
Breast shield/Large breast/Outside feeding question (cross-posted)

Hi! I'm new here :) I wanted to ask a few questions and see if anyone has some solutions. I saw a few lactation consultants at the hospital but totally forgot to ask :/

Basically, I have flat nipples - one is almost inverted and my breasts are fairly huge. I have to use a breast shield for both when feeding and have the baby in a football hold. It's pretty complex - someone has had to hand him to me all week because I had a c/s and can't maneuver very well, but I am getting better at doing it myself. It still requires 4 hands - which is a problem.

1. So this position is in no way, shape or form very portable. It's for home-only. There's a boppy, 2 pillows, a breast shield, etc. So how am I ever to go outside? W/ pumping - I know you're supposed to wait 2-4 weeks to pump and feed from a bottle, so it seems too soon to do that. I pumped a bit already and am starting to store the milk at least. The lactation consultants also told me that when you feed the baby a bottle, technically youre supposed to be pumping during that session as well (how is that even possible if youre feeding breastmilk outside?)
We have a wedding to go to in 2 weeks and I am wondering if we should even attempt to go - and wondering what the logistics would be like.

2. How do you cover up when bf in this situation? I dont really care about covering up but my family is conservative about it and the men in it get freaked out so I will either need to leave the room (because the set up is so complex) and disappear for hours at family functions or figure out a way to cover up. I've tried a few used hooter hider type things and none really work with this position.

3. I know the shield is supposed to draw the nipple out and a couple of the consultants told me that I won't need it eventually but how long will it really take? 

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