
Nipple shield-sizes?

I am at wits end trying to get my little one to latch and stay on.  He gets on but does not stay there, and since his first few sucks hurt, he is basically hurting me all the time.  I have had to give it a rest and just pump but it is seriously breaking my heart.  His brother does great but takes forever, so since I have to pump for the little one I just pump for both so the feedings don't take an hour and a half...

Anyway I have heard good things about the nipple shields but I see they only come in 20 and 24mm.  I use a 27mm for the pump... so I am not sure what to do here?  Is there any other companies that make them (I am looking at medela) or are the nipple shields sized differently than the pump shields? I read on medela's website that if my nipples are simply too big for his mouth than they might not work... I really think this is a big part of the problem :/ 

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