3rd Trimester

Pregnancy Dream

So weird... DH & I found out we're having a girl, naming her Kendall :)... Initially (1st tri) before I found out her gender I 'felt' we were having a boy. Had a name picked out & everything - Liam Sean, would have been the boy name.

The other night I dreamt I was going into labor, gave birth & DH was looking over me with a shocked, exasperated look on his face... He mentioned it was a boy & that he named our baby Thompson (?) but we're going to call him Tommy for short. I kept telling the nurse in my dream there must be some mix up as we had several u/s all confirming 'girl'. The nurse responded the u/s was incorrect & infact wasn't showing her girl parts but heart valve??? And DH reassured me we in fact had a boy. I was upset because we bought all this girl stuff (which we actually did) & he was going to be all pinked/girled out. Next thing I know from the dream our baby was a teenager.

I woke shortly after feeling so relieved - but man that dream's been messing with me LOL. But all pregnancy I've been dreaming baby is a boy... The weirdest part is the name thing. Thompson (Tommy) like, where the he// did that come from???


Anyone else care to share a weird dream?

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