
Baby having trouble latching - HELP!!!!

My daughter is 10 days old.  She has been a great breastfeeder to date.  However, today she is having a hard time latching.  My nipple will literally be in her mouth and she will trash her head back and forth trying to find it with her mouth open until she gets so frustrated she just starts screaming:(.  She also seems to be going through some kind of growth spurt - she clusted fed all day yesterday and again this morning, and is VERY VERY fussy.  Nothing I do seems to soothe her....she only wants to eat but now that is becoming a problem because she isn't latching properly.  WHAT DO I DO???!!!  I worry if she doesn't latch properly by the next feeding, I am going to have to find another means to feed her.  I really wanted to exclusively breastfeed so the thought of offering her something else this early on has me distraught:(.

Also, anyone know how long this "growth spurt - cluster feeding - fussiness" stage will last?  I am so exhausted and it breaks my heart to see her fuss and cry between almost every feeding (she is currently fairly content swinging in her swing....I hope this lasts for longer than 15 minutes).  PLEASE HELP!

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