3rd Trimester

Comfort Problems vent

It seems like I cannot get comfortable sitting or laying down. It is insane. I know it is part of the pregnancy. But it gets annoying when trying to get up from anything and then trying to get back into that comfortable position after trying for five minutes. I sometimes think I have a little more trouble because I'm short (5'0) and all by baby weight is all in the front. I'm just nervous the bigger I am going to get (which is going to happen CK has to grow and I want him too soo much), but I am afraid if I get to big I might end up on bed rest or end up not being able to do much. I feel that way anyway. I just miss being able to clean my house the way I use to.

I know this is probably a lame ass vent, but I don't think DH wants to hear my vents or bitching as he always calls it. But today we have a baby shower and SIL is going to make the guys wear a backpack with a 25lb weight in it and walk/run around for a while. Maybe that will show him my pain. Grrr....FYI DH is tall and skinny.


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