
Returning to Work - Pumping ?s

My daughter usually only nurses on one breast per feeding, so when I return to work and am pumping, does that mean I should pump one side only or pump both breasts but half the # of feedings?

Also, I'm generally able to pump a couple oz in a short amount of time.  If I only pump for 5-10 minutes will I still be getting the hindmilk?  Do I need to pump to empty or just until I have the amount I need?

Lastly, any tips for setup/cleanup of the pump and parts during the day?  I've read other posts saying that I can store the pump parts in the fridge without washing in between sessions and then wash at home each night.  Seems more convenient than washing, but that's a lot of freezer bags!  How do you store your bottles at work - cooler bag or fridge?  How many more than the 4 bottles that came with my pump will I need?

Thanks for your help! 

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