3rd Trimester

PUPPP (also posted on June 2012 board)

Its been a long time since i have posted on here... and from what I've read it sounds like a lot of the women have moved over to a Facebook page, but hopefully you ladies can help me out!

Is anyone else suffering from PUPPP (Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy)? hopefully not! Apparently I'm a part of the lucky 1% of pregnant women to get it! It just started last weekend but has already spread from my stomach to becoming horribly bad down my legs, side & butt and is starting to spread down my arms to my hands. My OB prescribed me hydroxyzine hcl 25 mg tablets (and said they were safe) but after researching them, I'm not comfortable taking them at all. From the research I did, you aren't supposed to take them during the first 3 months of pregnancy and then only when benefits outweigh the risks during the last 6 months. I'm just not okay taking something that has the potential to harm the baby... especially since this rash has no effect on him (just makes me miserable!)

Just seeing if anyone had found any lotions or anything that seemed to work for them, or someone they know! I've been reading so many different things online and there are several suggestions but i'm going crazy trying all of them w/o any significant results. So far the only thing that seems to provide some relief is a cool bath then covering myself w/ calamine lotion! Thanks for any help! :)

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