
Missed period while breastfeeding... Pregnant?

So, here is the story:


I started my period after 4 months after DD was born (breastfeeding exclusively), and have had regular cycles (30-31 days) for the last 5 months. This month (month 9) DD is eating purees 3xday and 1-2 bottles per day, she BFs about 3x day (including at night). I am SEVEN DAYS LATE, going on EIGHT. I have taken (a few) HPTs with negative results. I am wondering if anyone has had a similar experience and if they can shed some light on what's going on.

 ** I could potentially be 5ish weeks along if I AM pregnant and have read that HPTs may not read positive until 6ish weeks, but have two children and never experienced low HCG levels.

** I could just be missing a period?? But, why? I'm not stressed and nothing has changed (no extreme weight changes, no eating differences, no sex differences, no prior issues with thyroid, etc...)

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