3rd Trimester

LO not moving as much today

Usually Owen is moving much of the day and even waking me up at night- plus hiccups and this weird sensation of him pressing hard against my left pelvic bone.  Today it seems his movements have been minimal.  He didn't move at all this morning, and around 1:00 I poked him and got a kick back but then nothing.  I ate a cookie and had a glass of milk and usually that gets him going, but nothing.  I got into my car to visit my mom, and usually I feel him moving around a lot in the car, but not today.  Finally around 3:00 I began to actively massage and move my belly around, and I got some movement that made me feel better, but as soon as I stopped he stopped.  I felt some movement since then, but not like I usually do where my belly is actually moving with him, just some kicking and sliding behind my belly button which is lower down than I've been feeling him lately.

The OB said he was head down, but could he have shifted position and that is why I don't feel him as much?  Can babies have "off" days where they just don't move as much?  I know he is getting cramped, but yesterday he was bouncing around in there.  Of course it is a Friday so I can't just call the office to talk to the nurse, and I don't want to alarm my family, but I am feeling a little alarmed.  I was going to wait and see if tomorrow he was more active, but do you think it is wrong to wait? 

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