3rd Trimester

Relatives with 'Baby fever'

I'm sure the rest of you ladies deal with this. But anyone dealing with a family member who's baby fever is so bad they are jealous?

To a point when the person goes in the baby section with you they start talking about how 'they' could pass as the pregnant one & all the things they have planned for their imaginary baby? o.O Including their baby shower, nursery theme & so on. Not in a relatable way but selfish, self centered- borderline psychotic way...

Also at the end of the day complaining about imaginary swollen feet & asking you(the pregnant one) for your ice pack!

Yeaaah. i had to deal with this a few weeks ago when a certain relative visited who was only suppose to stay a week but last minute decided she was staying for 2... on top of the fact she had the balls to flirt with my husband right in front of me to a point he was uncomfortable to even be around her. she also stole the remote from his hand numerous times afetr he would just sit down to relax from work...

Needless to say she's no longer welcome but yeaah. j/c 

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