
Saggy Belly..anyone else?

I noticed at the end of my pregnancy the heavier the little one got and he dropped my lower stomach was already starting to sag.  So I knew i'd be in for a long road with a saggy lower stomach.  He ended up being too big for me to have vaginally  (9lbs 4oz and I labored at 1cm for 12 hours) so I had a c-section.  My stomach looks like it's sliding down my body.  My incision is under my saggy lower belly pooch.  Am I the only one who ended up with this?  If i'm not what have you done to help the healing process?  I have a stomach binder which I love because it gives me so much more support, but I feel like it pushes the saggy part even futher down.  It has totally taken me off guard because I had a flat stomach before I got pregnant.  Will this eventually tighten back up and look better?
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