Single Parents

Child Support v. Visitation

Please humor a lurker while she goes off on an early Friday morning rant...

 I am tired of hearing judges say that child support and visitation are two separate issues.  You can be behind on child support, failing to make any payments at all, failing to hold a  job, and yet you are still entitled to your 'time-share' or visitaton..

Here is my reasoning...

What if I didn't worry about what my child were going to eat today?  What if I didn't worry about putting a new, clean diaper on their bottom.  What if I just wiped 'em down every once in awhile, but didn't worry about the washes/soaps that didn't irritate their skin?  What if I figured that they seem healthy enough...they don't need insurance or wellness checks, or immunizations.

I will tell you what would happen. The state would deem me an unfit parent and have my child taken away and cared for by someone who was capable.

Why is the same not true for parents? Why is it one parents responsibility to do all of the providing, all the WORRYING, while the other parent can drag their feet on support and yet still get to enjoy their children.

It is a double standard. It is not fair.  And it is incredibly discouraging.



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