
AW: no supplements for 3 days!

We have had a heck of a time breastfeeding.  After not gaining enough weight and having insufficient wet/dirty diapers, we started supplementing.  And I started pumping.  And pumping.  And pumping.  Throw in no power for 9 hours due to a close call with a tornado, a long car trip for a funeral, and the fact that we are moving (today, in fact!  the movers are here right now), and it has been rough. 

I am proud to say that DD has not needed any supplements for 3 full days now.  It is amazing to watch her breastfeed, slowly become more relaxed, and then be completely content at the end of a feeding.  It is worth all the sleep deprivation, frustration, and tears.

Good luck to any ladies who are having similar struggles!

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