3rd Trimester

Baby measuring small

Has anyone had any experience with your baby measuring small?  They said I'm measuring about 2 weeks behind.  I asked if possibly the due date was wrong but they said they weren't going to change it.  I'm high risk already so they are sending me back to the perinatal center next week for an u/s to check the cord blood flow etc.  They monitored me for a little while and other than the contractions I had the whole time, baby's heartbeat looked great, fluid was good, everything looked healthy.  But I can't help but feel heartbroken and scared that something is wrong.  They said in was in the 6th percentile which sounds horrible to me and I feel as if I've done something wrong?  I'm a generally healthy person, my dh says I need to eat more fat lol.  I just wish I could have a regular "easy" pregnancy like some people and not have so many complications.  My doctor seemed easy going saying I will probably just have a small baby bc I'm small, but she did seem slightly concerned.  I would love to hear similar situations with good outcomes. 
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