3rd Trimester

thinking I should ask to have the baby

last week, at my 35 week visit, the dr discovered the baby's heart was skipping a beat.  She said it wasn't a big deal but sent me to labor and delivery to be monitored and have some blood work done, I was there until 9:30 at night, my appointment was at 3:00.  I also went to a pediatric heart specialist who also saw the skipped beat, but said it was very normal and not to worry.  I need to have the baby's heart rate monitored and they'll do an EKG when the baby is born.  When I went for my weekly visit this week I had the heart monitored for a while, and just to make sure things were ok she had me sit around to wait for another ultrasound.  The dr. and I didn't hear the skipped beat, but the ultrasound lady did.  Next week I'm going to the dr mon and thurs to monitor the heart and a high risk dr wed, just to make sure everythings ok.

Has anyone else gone through all of this while the drs keep saying everything is fine?  I feel like at this point it may be a good idea to just have the baby so they can monitor him more easily.  This is my last day of work, but I have a 2 year old, so making all of these appointments is difficult.  I was also induced with my daughter and it was such a great experience I wouldn't mind doing it again that way.

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers Teterboro 5K 7/16/11 23:22 Tenafly 5K 6/5/11 26:48 1st in age group and stroller division Teterboro 5K 7/17/10 24:42 Lincoln Tunnel 5K 4/25/10 28:18 4 1/2 weeks pp Teterboro Airport 5K 7/18/09 22:35 3rd place age group 4 1/2 weeks pregnant Long Branch 1/2 5/3/09 1:51:07 Lincoln Tunnel 5K 4/26/09 22:22 NJEA 5K 11/7/08 22:30 2nd place age group Westchester 1/2 10/12/08 1:50:16 Teterboro Airport 5K 7/19/08 23:43 Long Branch 1/2 5/4/08 1:54:18 Giant Stadium 5K 4/26/08 error in timing Hackensack 5K 10/14/07 23:55 1st place in age group
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