3rd Trimester

Bf'ing woes

I plan to BF. What bothers me  is this. I plan to BF, Either people are really supportive or they are completely negative. The negative ones, I dont give a rats booty about because its my baby and Breastfeeding is best for him, however, I plan to pump more than actual feed from the breast, and I am catching a lot of slack about it.

Breastfeeding is breastfeeding, the baby drinking it from your breast doesn't make the milk any better for him than if he is drinking it from a bottle. But I continuously get negative comments from EVERYONE that is pro breasfeeding, about how I am not doing whats best for my little one, blah blah blah!


Umm what? I am still breastfeeding, just pumping and feeding it from a bottle, nothing is wrong with that... anyone else encountering this?

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