3rd Trimester

Breastfeeding OWT's/Snarkiness

I really am on the last straw with my mother.

I came out & told her I decided to BF because she asked. She knows I have a medication I'm on for seizures but is proven safe to BF on. Done my research with Drs. lactation consultants, perinatologist, etc. All say it's perfectly fine & the beneficial of BFing outweigh the concerns i had & have been put to rest. Proudly I told her I'm confident in BFing.

Her response:

Are you sure, what about the drs. your seizure meds. Despite the fact I told her DH & I have done the necessary research to make an educated decision.. she also goes on to tell me how I can't drink or eat what I want if I bf (wtf) & goes on to say how I can't eat mexican food if I bf (my fave food). I'm like why? I'm well aware no alcohol as DH & I don't drink anyway & what does mexican food have anything to do w/ bf'ing? Anyone else hear this? It frustrates me this woman would rather downput BFing by bringing up irrelevant negatives instead of being encouraging.

Anyone else hear you have to avoid certain foods if you BF. My mom was basically saying i can't eat spicy food. Which I generally don't & also makes me wonder what she's implying about cultural ethinicities... o.O just came off like a total beeyotch & don't get it. Her reasoning was it'll make the breastmilk too spicy for baby thus causing gas o.O. dead serious.

yeah she's nuts

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