3rd Trimester

For moms with bigger babies...

I just saw my doctor today for 30 week checkup. I have been told since my 15 week appointment that my boy is measuring ahead- usually between 2-3 weeks. I passed the glucose test and so far- it seems like this baby is just on the bigger side. The doctor said we would know more after my 35 week ultrasound but she mentioned that there is a strong possibility of doing a c-section rather than vaginal birth due to size of baby. For ladies who have been told that there little one was on the bigger side: did you have a normal delivery or c-section? Also, (sorry if this is a dumb question- FTM here if you cant tell Big Smile) if the baby starts out in 0-3 month clothes... how soon should I expect him to move into the next size up. I got a lot of nicer clothes at my baby shower that are adorable but they are 3 months- I am worried that he might not even get a chance to wear them for more than a few weeks. And last question: my doctor mentioned that sometimes with bigger babies; women might experience more pain and discomfort. She said I might need to stop working around 37 weeks if my contractions get any stronger and more frequent than they are now. Has this been anyone else's experience. I would like to work as long as possible- just dont want to push it too far and endanger the baby.
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