3rd Trimester

Contraction on NST today--hope this means I'm in the home stretch!

I've been feeling what I "think" are contractions the past few weeks.  (I have a 5 year old daughter so you'd think I would know a contraction when I feel one!(  I've been explaining them to my OB (cramping in lower abdomen and lower back, mostly in the afternoons/evenings after teaching on my feet all day) and he hasn't seemed concerned.  They hooked me up to a monitor 2 weeks ago and nothing showed up. 

Well, I have GD and they weren't going to start my extra testing until 36 weeks since I've been diet controlled and everything has been going smoothly.  I mentioned at my regular appt. today that the baby hasn't been moving as much the past few days.  They send me over to the MFM office to have an NST and ultrasound to check fluid.  Of course, while in the waiting room the baby starting moving around like crazy!  Go figure.  The NST showed great movement but it also showed that I had a pretty big contraction.  The nurse didn't seem concerned since it was only 1.  My OB has told me as long as it's not more than 6 an hour, it's okay.  It still seemed crazy to know that I was sitting there having a contraction at 34 weeks and everyone thought it was normal.  (Has anyone else felt that way?!)

I delivered my daughter at 37 weeks and I'd love to be able to have this baby a week or two early, too.  (as long as she is healthy, of course!)  Are mild contractions at 34 weeks any indication of this?  Does anyone else who has NST's done have contractions show up?  I guess since this was my first NST I didn't think of all these questions until I was driving home :) 

Addison Lily--Sept. 14, 2006 Evelynn Rose-- May 18, 2012
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