
Cross Post - Shoulder Dystocia Risk

Visiting from May 2012 board -


I just had my CALM screening for shoulder dysotcia risk. I came out in the middle of the intermediate risk level, 1 in 259 chance for injury.

Basically, they will offer me a c section, but are not specifically recommending it! If I was low risk they would not offer the c section, but if I were high risk they would recommend it. Since I am smack in the middle of the middle, they aren't taking a position - I get to decide (presumably due to med mal issues).

I am so confused. Do I roll the dice, I'd prefer a natural birth. If she gets hurt, I'd never forgive myself. The brachial plexis injury can be very serious with long lasting implications.

Then again, the risk is still "low" in terms of statistics and probability. I also think they put you in these categories needlessly at times - I was told I had a high chance of GD, pre e, and a low PAPP placenta problem. I had none of them...

What would you do, and/or what are you doing if you got the same results?

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