3rd Trimester

Do you (still) weigh yourself?

Like a lot of women, I struggle with my body image.  I exercise and eat well, and for the 1st & 2nd trimesters, I continued to weigh myself daily, as I always had.  My doctor says LO and I are both in the range where she'd like to see us, but I find myself avoiding the scale.  At the same time, I'm a little worried that I will gain too much too quickly if I don't keep up my routine, especially since I can't exercise as intensively as I'm used to.

So, 3rd tri ladies, do you find that weighing yourself daily helps you keep on-track, or do you just wait until your Dr's appt?  (Please refrain from posting actual weights/sizes/amounts, as these can be triggers for anyone who is susceptible to body criticism.) I am really trying to have a healthy baby and an enjoyable pregnancy and am wondering what works best for others. Thanks!

"Today I will be happier than a bird with a french fry."
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