
"Natural C/S" Help?

I have to have a Repeat C/S due to complications. My son was an emergency C/S and while my doctors were amazing and made a life or death situation the happiest day of my life and not the worst, Im cant help but feel a little sad I didnt get to see my son for 4 hours after he was born (he was fine but I was in recovery longer then most). So in researching my options I came across a "Natural C/S" which has all the drugs so you don't feel pain of course but they allow you to see the baby being pulled out, they also as long as baby is doing well have baby taken to recovery with you so you can start the bonding process and start breast feeding. Has anyone heard of this or were you able to take part in a natural c/s at your hospital. Im in NJ and am curious to find out if that is even an option for me.

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